
To all those interested in the natural world. Please add your sightings.

In the woods we return to reason and faith-Emerson


Saturday, July 26, 2014


Joe Pye Weed is coloring swamps and wet meadows. There are three Joe Pye Weeds common to this area.
Ditch Stonecrop - a member of the Saxifrage family - lifts small yellow-green flowers over ditches and swamps. It likes wet feet.
A rather robust beetle, one of the fruit and flower chafers known only by its scientific name, Osmoderma scabra, is on the wing. Over an inch long and with uniquely wrinkled, prunish wing covers, the beetle almost begs to be noticed.
And, in a sandy, sun-baked waste space, Thread-leaved Tickseed (Coreopsis verticillata) is in flower. The northern extreme of this species range is Maryland and Washington, DC, but its big long lasting flowers have long made cultivars a favorite with gardeners and, obviously, not all stayed where these were planted although these were the first I've found growing wild.
Joe Pye Weed

Ditch Stonecrop

Thread-leaved Tickseed

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