
To all those interested in the natural world. Please add your sightings.

In the woods we return to reason and faith-Emerson


Sunday, June 29, 2014


Today in thickets along the West River, Meadowsweet is in flower.
The tiny yellow-lipped flowers of Wide-leaved Ladies' Tresses punctuate grassy river banks. Ladies' Tresses are in the Orchid family as are the Tubercled Orchids that lurk deep in the riverside grasses. Tubercled Orchids are State listed as "Threatened" and are protected by statute. The banks of the West River provided rare pockets of suitable habitat for this little yellow-green oddity.
And I'll end with an enigma. An odd little fingernail-sized moth that I tentatively identified as Elophila gyralis was attracted to my lights. The problem? This host-specific moth is commonly known as The Lily Pad Borer, and my residence is a long, long way from any lily pads!! So far in fact that it makes me question that identification!?!
The world out there is never simple.
Tubercled Orchid

Lily Pad Borer

Ladies' Tresses


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