
To all those interested in the natural world. Please add your sightings.

In the woods we return to reason and faith-Emerson


Thursday, May 31, 2012

5.31.12      We are very fortunate in Dummerston to have both Mountain Laurel and Sheep Laurel or Lambkill.  Members of the Kalmia family, they are distinguishable by the placement of flowers: the smaller and more intensely-colored Sheep Laurel flowers are clustered around the stem with a tuft of leaves above them.  Both of these shrubs contain toxins that can be fatal if eaten.  The pollen is not poisonous to bees, but  honey produced from these flowers can be toxic to humans. 

     Yellow Rattle (Rhinanthus crista-galli) has an inflated seed pod where the seeds rattle around when dry.  The little yellow flower petals are beak-like at the top of the pod. 

       Rattlesnake Weed (Hieracium venosum) also grows in the shallow soils of this acidic environment.  The striking contrast of the maroon-red veining on the dark green basal leaves is the most eye-catching part of this plant.  The branched flower stalk shoots up a foot or more, and bears  3/4- inch rayed yellow flowers much like Hawkweed, to which it is related. 

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