
To all those interested in the natural world. Please add your sightings.

In the woods we return to reason and faith-Emerson


Sunday, August 29, 2010

I have known from books, articles, etc. that beech sprouts from its roots, but I didn't know it for myself until yesterday. I was clearing the Part Ridge Nature Trail (which everyone is welcome to come to) and I tried pulling out beech about 4 inches high. When I tried to pull it out I saw it was attached to a root from a dying tree.

1 comment:

  1. Lynn: You might be interested to know that once I asked one of my favorite psychics about beech trees: because I was cutting a bunch of saplings in one area and was having one of those anthropomorphic crises of conscience. He said that they were really part of one big organism, from which I was simply snipping off small parts. I'm not sure if that would apply to cutting down one of the big ones but that's a longer discussion...David
