
To all those interested in the natural world. Please add your sightings.

In the woods we return to reason and faith-Emerson


Wednesday, June 2, 2010

In my field the pale pink , bell-like, fragrant little flower of the Spreading Dogbane were opening today. Dogbane is a great insect attractant; butterlies, moths, bees and flies swarm to it. Along the road, Bladder Campion with its odd melon-like calyx sacs and its deeply divided white petals was putting on a show. And what I tentatively identified as Spring Forget-Me-Not - a white variety of the familiar sky blue forget-me-nots cast me an hour of research, as I had never before heard of white forget-me-nots.
After lunch, I wandered the fields with the tart sweet juice of tiny sun warmed strawberries on my tongue; a fine undomesticated tonic, one that can't be purchased.

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