
To all those interested in the natural world. Please add your sightings.

In the woods we return to reason and faith-Emerson


Tuesday, June 25, 2024

6-25 White Vervain, Purple Loosestrife, Spiny-leaved Sow Thistle, Swamp Candles

6-25 The flower spikes of White Vervain are described as, "slender and more or less interrupted." Look for it in thckets and waste places.
Purple Loosestrife is an aggressive invasive of swamps and wet meadows.
Spiny-leaved Sow Thistles are a common dry roadside plant.
The flowers of Swamp Candles, AKA Yellow Loosestrife, are in a terminal raceme. As the name implies this loosestrife favors swamps and wet ditches. John

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