
To all those interested in the natural world. Please add your sightings.

In the woods we return to reason and faith-Emerson


Wednesday, February 16, 2011

This morning a Mourning Dove called persistently from a tree near my yard. It was the first sign of the lengthening days that I'd heard from the doves.
About 40 Cedar Waxwings clustered in the top of an old apple tree - all of them facing the quadrant of the sky where the sun should have been, yet to my senses the overcast blocked any of the sun's warmth from reaching them
And, in the sumac patch near the river, Robins fed on the hard fuzzy seeds.
As a bonus, a Pileated Woodpecker made a few appearances around my neighborhood. I had not seen a pileated in months. I'm sure they were around - as was I - yet we hadn't crossed paths for a while.

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