
To all those interested in the natural world. Please add your sightings.

In the woods we return to reason and faith-Emerson


Tuesday, August 27, 2024

8-27 Northern Walking Stick

8-27 This male Northern Walking Stick clung motionless on a locust tree today. John

Monday, August 26, 2024

8-26 Umbrella-wort

8-26 Umbrella-wort, AKA Four O'clock, is a western species that turns up occasionally in Vermont. John

Sunday, August 25, 2024

8-25 Prostrate Vervain

8-25 Dry, waste places are home to Prostrate, AKA Large-bracted, Vervain a more southerly species only rarely found in Vermont. This occurrence was in Rockingham. John

Saturday, August 24, 2024

8-24 Panicled Aster

8-24 Panicled, AKA Lance-leaved, Asters grace fields, pastures and roadsides. There are 37 aster species listed in the Flora of Vermont. John

Friday, August 23, 2024

8-23 American Pennyroyal

8-23 Fields and dry woods are home to American Pannyroyal. Bruised leaves of this mint family member smell strongly of oil of pennyroyal. John

Thursday, August 22, 2024

8-22 Beggar-ticks

8-22 The rayless flowers of Beggar-Ticks are surrounded by numerous leaf-like bracts. John

Wednesday, August 21, 2024

8-21 Slender Gerardia, Monarch

8-21 Slender Purple Gerardia, AKA False Foxglove, has opened the first of its flowers. Look for it on river banks and in damp meadows.
Of the dozen Monarch caterpillars hatched on our milkweeds only the three that were container raised survived.

Tuesday, August 20, 2024

8-20 Pennsylvania Leatherwing, Sarsaparilla leaves

8-20 This beetle, called by one source a Pennsylvania Leatherwing, is more flatteringly called a Golden Soldier Beetle. I see them on Goldenrods.
Leaf Miner damage on Sarsaparilla leaves makes an interesting - and I think pleasing - picture. John

Monday, August 19, 2024

8-19 Closed Gentian, Great Blue Heron

8-19 Moist woods and meadows are home to Closed Gentian, AKA Bottle Gentian, so called because its flowers never open.
Great Blue Herons are hearty. This one may linger until ice begins to cap shallow waters. John

Sunday, August 18, 2024

8-18 Northern Flatid Planthopper, Banded Tussock Moth caterpillar

8-18 The snowy white color of the Northern Flatid Planthopper seems to provide no camouflage in a predominantly green landscape.
Banded Tussock Moth caterpillars, generalist feeders on the leaves of trees and shrubs, are often called Bottle Brush or Fu Manchu caterpillars. It's thought that their bristles make them unpalatable to birds. John

Saturday, August 17, 2024

8-17 Sweet Everlasting, Hairy Bush Clover

8-17 Sweet Everlasting, AKA Catfoot, is a dry field inhabitant that is said to be mildly aromatic if bruised.
Dry woods and fields are home to Hairy Bush Clover, a State listed rare species,that may reach a height of 5 feet. John

Friday, August 16, 2024

8-16 Star-flowered Solomon's Seal berries, Heath Aster

8-16 Star-flowered Solomon's Seal, a habitat generalist that grows in both sandy banks and in moist meadows, is now crowned with black striped yellow berries.
Thinly vegetated fields and waste places are home to Heath Aster, one of over 40 asters listed in my field guide. John

Thursday, August 15, 2024

8-15 Locust Borer, Bur Cucumber

8-15 Adult Locust Borers can be seen on goldenrods. Larvae bore into live locust trees weakening branches.
Riverbanks and moist thickets are home to One-seeded Bur Cucumber. John

Wednesday, August 14, 2024

8-14 Brown Knapweed, Spearmint and Blow Fly

8-14 Fields, roadsides and weedy places are home to Bown Knapweed.
A Blow Fly nectared on Spearmint, a plant found in dtches and along streams. John

Tuesday, August 13, 2024

8-13 Hairy Wild Petunia

8-13 Hairy Wild Petunia has shown up in my flower beds. This is a native wildflower but the northern extreme of its natural range is listed as New Jersey. Here it is almost certainly an unintended human intoduction. John

Monday, August 12, 2024

8-12 Purslane

8-12 Purslane is a drought resistant succulent found in dry sandy soils which can be gathered and eaten as a green. John

Sunday, August 11, 2024

8-11 European Paper Wasp

8-11 Native to Europe and China Polistes dominulus was first found in Massachusetts in 1980 and is now found nearly nationwide.

Saturday, August 10, 2024

8-10 Rough Hawkweed, Silverrod

8-10 Rough Hawkweed, one of nine yellow hawkweeds listed in my field guide, is a dry soil specialist.
Silverrod, the only white goldenrod, also favors dry habitats. John

Friday, August 9, 2024

8-9 Tearthumb. Bur-reed

8-9 Wiry stems and backward pointing prickles can make any attempt at pulling Tearthumb a painful experience. This plant favors low, wet places.
Muddy shores and shallow water are home to Bur-reed. There are several related species in the northeast. John

Thursday, August 8, 2024

8-8 Purple-stemmed Aster, Locust Tree Hopper

8-8 Purple-stemmed Aster - one of 43 Asters listed in my field guide - favors swamps and low thickets.
Thorn mimicking Locust Tree Hoppers can be seen on Black Locusts. They secrete honeydew and are often attended by ants. John

Wednesday, August 7, 2024

8-7 Eastern Willow-herb, Seven-angled Pipewort, Eastern Cottontail

8-7 Eastern Willow-herb, AKA Purple-leaved Willow-herb, a member of the Evening Primrose family, favors wet ground.
Seven-angled Pipewort, AKA Hatpins, is found in shallow still waters.
Every thicket and weed patch seems to be home to an Eastern Cottontail or two. John

Tuesday, August 6, 2024

8-6 Swamp Smartweed, Oleander Aphids

8-6 Swamps and wet shores are home to Swamp Smartweed.
Oleander Aphids, AKA Milkweed Aphids, can't survive our winters and have to reinhabit northern states annually. None ever return south. Theirs is a one way migration north, a fatal attempt at colonization. John

Monday, August 5, 2024

8-5 White Snakeroot, Unidentified Geranium

8-5 White Snakeroot, a rich woods species, is starting its flowering.
An as yet unidentified geranium family member edged a weedy parking area. This is a big family with over 400 members, the great majority of which are introduced. This one is possibly Thunberg's Geranium. Possibly. John

Sunday, August 4, 2024

8-4 American Hog-Peanut

8-4 In moist thickets Hog-Peanut climbs over, and is supported by, other plants. Along with its visible flowers it also produces cryptic (never opening) flowers that ripen to subterranean peanut-like edible tubers. John

8-3 White Baneberry, Common Hops

8-3 The China-white berries of White Baneberry, AKA Doll's Eyes, peer from the woods and thickets.
Common Hops, a cultivated plant in the hemp family, often escapes to and persists in moist thickets. John

Friday, August 2, 2024

8-2 Blue Curl, Japanese Knotweed

8-2 Dry soils along roadsides and railroad tracks are home to Blue curls, a mint family member.
Aggressively invasive Japanese Knotweed, an escape from cultivation, crowds roadsides, river banks, and any places with disturbed soils. John

Thursday, August 1, 2024

8-1 Great Blue Lobelia

8-1 Moist thickets and swamps are home to Great Blue Lobelia. It's also a popular garden plant. John